Coaching & Workshops

Acting, Audition technique, Improvisation, Scene study and Movement. For info on upcoming workshops get in touch via the contact page.

Acting Coach

Workshops for groups or one to one, online or face to face. Whatever the situation I aim to push performers outside of their comfort zone. Currently running classes in Motion Capture, Improvisation, scene study, character work, Audition technique, self taping and physical performance at East 15 & The Reel Scene acting schools.



Movement coach

Robin has 20 years experience in physical performance. Stage and screen, tragedy and comedy, real and virtual.

Robin currently runs movement workshops in creature performance, quadruped movement, arm extensions, motion capture and basic firearms at East 15 and The Reel Scene.


Robin has co-directed short films The Hatter & Napoleon (15 selections and 3 wins on the festival circuit).

He has directed performance capture for immersive VR shows Bedlam (Minky productions) & The Horrifically Real Virtuality (DVgroup).

He runs Alpha+ Mocap with Paul Distefano and has several digital shorts in production.




London, UK
